Monday, 14 December 2009

Unity Between the Churches

Hi People,

I personally Believe that the Roman Catholic Church should focus on the things that the All Christians agree with rather than poaching Anglican vicars who disagree with women moving up the church hierarchical ladder.

They stole our vicars, when they was a big who harr with women becoming priests. I see no reason why women can not become bishops, after all, when Jesus had risen from the dead he appeared to a couple of Women First and he then said to them (according to Matthew) “Don’t be afraid. Go and tell my followers to go on to Galilee, and they will see me there.”
Total Unity I believe is not far off but it will most likely need something extraordinary to make it happen, probably involving a Confirmed Anglican, a someone who goes to a Roman Catholic church who has Not been Confirmed and a Roman Catholic Bishop, similar to what happened in a few of my dreams that I remember. A cathedral formed out of Railway Carriages might have something to do with it as well.

I am hoping on a date as close to the 2nd April 2010 as possible, to deliver a talk on Living With Autism to Olney Residents, as I was diagnosed with it when I was 11. This is not quite Communion, but if my talk on
Living With Autism was to go ahead, both RC and Anglican Churches will be represented by Ordained Leader attending. The RC Priest said he would attend if he was free and that evening, all I would have to do is Inform my Anglican Lady Vicar. This marks the start of Co - operation. The year 2009 was the first year the Roman Catholic Priest made an appearance at a Combined Churches Project.

It has happened before, as the previous RC Priest lead a prayer at the dismissal of the Shriving Service on Pancake Day, I was told this by a reliable informant at the Parish Church.

Is there there anything else that should be mentioned? Possibility, then please let me know by posting a comment, Thanks, Anthony.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Rule 4 Everyone From JC, Published With Radicalism

We (as the human race) need to love our neighbours the way we love our selves. If we did, half the problems in the world, for example terrorism and Wars), would not exist.

When Jesus came on to the Earth, he, gave us just 2 commandments, they are:

  1. Love the Lord Your God with all your Heart, Mind, Strength and Soul
  2. Love your neighbour as you love yourself

It helps a great deal if you have the LOVE & RESPECT for yourself to start with. If you do not have love & respect for yourself then Rule N2 is as VOID as a Black Hole.

If people choose to disobey Rule 1, Then that is their choice and I will not enforce it, as I realise that not every body has a faith or believes in God. However, the Second rule is compulsory and I am being radical in the way I present it. Some people might wish to reword the rule to say {Treat Others as you wish to be treated}, which is fine as it is basically saying the same thing.

Even the 10 Commandments have a few Loop Holes, there is no rule against Slander or Assault. However it is not showing Love to your neighbour, How many people would be happy with being assaulted or insulted? I would suggest the Answer would be Nobody

The 2 Commandments that Christ gave us, have NO loop holes.

Rather than get annoyed with everything I read or hear in the News, I have decided to take action - by giving myself a title, Most Roverstart, Anthony T, Archbeship of Mathematics and Logic.

If something ends it usually has to start or be started, and change ([e] in [rever] to [o] making [rover], which is a type of bus or rail ticket - hence roverstart.

I declare as [Archbeship] that Anything which is designed to kill, injure or frighten is fake - that means a tool in one person's possession will be real, while the same Tool in a different person's possession might be FAKE.

How can you be showing [Love to your neighbour] if you are trying to blow them up - You Can not, also you would be showing that you have no Love for your self.

People who change the directions of signpost for their fun are not showing love to their neighbour, because they are playing a part in their friends and family members being badly hurt (or worse).

Fear of Evil has shown its face again with Iran's Plan for Nuclear Installations. The Front Page of The Times Newspaper, on Monday 14th December. read {Secret Document exposes Iran's Nuclear Trigger} The Strap line under it confirmed that fear {Leaked memo shows regime intent on building atomic bomb}

Okay, so the US, UK, France? and Germany? have Nuclear Weapons, but all these Countries are ruled by a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED LEADER so therefore can be trusted. Countries like North Korea, China, Iran? are ruled by leaders who are NOT DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED, so therefore it is assumed that they Can Not be Trusted and they probably cant.

If We Start on the Footings of "Anything which is designed to kill, injure or frighten is fake" then we can not go wrong and we naturally go towards keeping Iran and Other Countries in Check.

Going Back to the Headline, The Only Sensible Response which I have been saying since Madrid got attacked by Islamic Terrorists, is {It is now time to reveal that the Consumer Protection Act and Anti Terrors Laws contradict Each Other. A REAL Bomb can be purchased from John Lewis, Toys R Us or W H Smith quite simply as it has the WORD [BOMB] on The Box. Also ANYTHING that is worth being frightened of MUST NOW BE RULED as BEING FAKE - THAT IS AN ORDER}.