Thursday, 21 January 2010

Common Sence Ruling by Judge

Thursday 21st January the Times Newspaper reported a [COMMON SENSE] victory for the man who defended his house. Jack Straw says there is no need for New legislation, the Conservation would change the rules to promise greater protection for those who intervene to stop criminals. I think both the Labour AND Conservative Parties are correct as for it would not making new legislation but simply Changing EXISTING legislation.

Commandment Number 8 says [YOU MUST NOT STEAL]. People usually only break in to another person's house to Steal. The Burglar as far as I am concerned got what he deserved. Okay, so we let people take the Law into their own hands, then Civilised Society would
collapse. If you knowingly commit {Trespass} then you must do so at your own risk. Breaking in Entry to someone Else's property without a Good Reason must surely carry the same consequences. When Tony Martin shot a burglar, the burglar was old enough to know the difference between right and wrong so therefore had it coming. Personally I would prefer to have only scared him, possibly still by using the gun especially if I was in Mr Martin's Position and wanted to defend my Crops or Animals.

I will acknowledge at this point that I could have all the correct intentions e.g., to only scare the burglar rather than kill, (Commandment Number 6) but things could still go wrong. I could think he going to go the right so therefore shoot to the left for instance, but I only have a 67% chance that he lives unhurt. There is a 33% chance that he moves to the right, a 33% chance that he moves to the Left as well as a 34% chance that he maintains a straight line. In total, I have a 67% that the boy lives and remains unhurt. I would act on the 67% rather than the 33%. I would suggest that Mr Martin, most likely did the same as I would have done.

On a walk between Hemel Hempstead and St Albans I saw a sign mentioning the risk of being shot, particularly at dusk. The sign also mentioned High Visibility Garments. I can not remember the exact Contents of what the sign said, but if I do the walk again will report on it, assuming I see the same sign again

Friday, 15 January 2010

Safe Road Behaviour Vs Hearing Safety Equipment

If any one has seen what goes on London, it is mostly those who are wearing Helmets that are going to get hit as they do not abide by the other rules. Riders who wear helmets think that because they can not hurt their head, they can ride how they like, where as riders who do not a helmet, have to be aware that they can hurt their head and so have to ride with consideration for others.
Also a Helmet will not stop the damage or suffering to the bike, the other vehicle or the other Person. Later on, you will meet Robert, who gets Made Incontinent by George, You will also hear about a few other people.
ALL NAMES in the story are FICTIONAL

I went down a hill at High Speed on two occasions, Once with wearing a Helmet, and once not. On the occasion I was wearing one I was, I thought I was going to Fall off the back and when it came to stopping, I did not think I was going to Stop in Time. (I put this down to the extra weight going forward,) so put my feet down locked them under the pedals and then stopped Far Too Early and Nearly Got Hit by the car behind and then had to ride a good couple of Car lengths. On the occasion when I was not wearing a helmet, I could feel the wind in my hair and did not have to counter any feeling like going to fall of the back of my bike so I had a much better Idea of how fast I was travelling. When It came to stopping, I stopped using only my brakes and feet were down once I got nearer to the Give Way Line ready for that possible stop if I was going to need to do so. I did actually stop and at the exact point I wished and the Car driver rolled to a stop behind me.

Something About Cycle Helmets – The BLUE Story. The RED I have decided to NOT Publish as the blue Story better portrays Forgiveness.



12 Year Old Boy Who Stands Behind Bus (Hansom According to Anne)


12 Year Old Cyclist & Robert’s Classmate


Robert’s Mother


George’s Best friend (Also 12 Years Old)


Roberts Father


George’s Mother


Robert’s 15 year old Sister (Pretty According to Anne)


George’s Father


Jane’s Friend’s Brother

Robert and George enjoy working with each other in class, but don’t really spend much time together outside of the classroom due to different interests. Their relationship was a mutual one. George hates wearing a cycle helmet as he finds them very uncomfortable, he has had accidents both when wearing a helmet and also when not, and has not sustained anything more serious than a headache. He has had more near misses when wearing a helmet and he takes more risks to speed up his journey as it is that uncomfortable. George’s best friend, Simon, says “he is safer not wearing one due to his behaviour when he is wearing one”. Susan says “he must wear one”, while his Peter “He Alone should decide whether or not to wear one and MUST know both sides of the argument.”

Usually at this junction George slows down to about 12 miles per hour so that he has time to manage the risks properly (vehicles pulling out, pedestrians crossing on his green and people standing behind the bus) and the wind is stronger here then anywhere else on his journey. On this occasion it was a really hot day and the helmet was REALLY uncomfortable so he was sprinting to get home so that he could take his helmet off as soon as possible, he achieved 22 miles per hour. As he attempted to take the bend the wind caught him slightly off guard and sent him into the Filter Lane for Car Park and Bus Stop. As he attempted to get back into the main lane, he found that the wind was too strong and he was not able to move far enough over to avoid hitting the back of the bus. He also did not have enough time to stop. Robert was standing at the offside corner – oops


Robert was rushed to Hospital with a severe head injury, George also went for a check up. George got away with only a headache which lasted a couple of hours and therefore he was then sent home. Robert however never [fully] recovered, and [he was left incontinent].

George knew that he had hurt Robert, and something bad had happened. He also knew that Robert’s sister Jane blamed him for it. However he did not have the confidence to apologise to [Robert]. He asked his [Peter & Susan] if one of them go around to Robert’s house with him to apologise, find out what had happened and if Jane was telling the truth, and to explain his side of the story. [Susan and George] went round to Robert’s house to do those things. [Robert was] happy with the explanation and so were Anne and Michael. They forgave George, however Jane didn’t, she sought to get revenge on George and asked her friend’s brother, Andrew to scare and hurt George. [Robert was] unhappy about this and told Jane to apologise to George, she didn’t so she was not picked up when she missed the bus one night and had to wait for the next bus which in two hours time. Then she apologised to George [and Robert] and [they both] forgave her.

They all lived happy ever after.

If these bods are so convinced that {Helmets Save Lives} then why not start Introducing them for Pedestrians too. I could just as easily Slip or trip while walking to bus stop and hurt my head. In Lanzarote I lost balance due to a strong Wave but hurts my Hands and One Knee - This occasion I was in the sea - WITH NO BIKE.

When is the police AND Government going to tell THE NATION THE TRUTH about ALL Safety devises. Seatbelts have Killed a few people - Granted they have saved more lives and they have lost but People Should make up their own minds.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Copyright of Photos

Hi People,

I now have a Photo that is truly my copyright as both {Printable} and {Intellectual} copyright are mine. There is not a single person that can say that they hold the copyright of a photo unless it is either, a photo of them and on their camera or the subject is not able to give consent, like for example a house or tree. As these would not be able to give consent, then the copyright belongs to the holder of the {Printable} copyright as it is on his or her camera.

All Names of people in the following paragraphs article are fictional. It is based on a real conversation I had with a Friend at church and his father.

If James wants a photo of Nathan for an advert or article, then Nathan has the entitlement to demand to see it before it gets published as the {Intellectual} copyright belongs to him, and James must adhere to this if he is to keep the Second Commandment of Christ. If James does not adhere to the Nathans wish then Nathan has the entitlement to insist that the photo is taken only on his own Memory Card. Nathan could also charge for the use which James could claim off his tax, assuming James is using it in a business venture.

This is the photo that I am talking about. It was taken when walking along a ridge of a former volcano on Lanzarote by my Uncle-in-law to be on my camera.

The other point I would like to make is that someone (lets call them Billy if it is a boy and Brenda with it is a girl) might make a comment on it to the person who it is about, it is only fair that Nathan has seen the photo before Billy or Brenda make that comment to Nathan.