Monday, 17 January 2011

TV News London 2005_07_07

On the News tonight they mentioned the Inquest about London 7/7.

I find the mention of the whole affair annoying, as I had to wait Six years to do a trip with a friend, as his mother was scared of Terrorism. Each Year Costs were going up and my Friend had to go by HST, that Meant London. I was waiting for that fateful day, I was in London on that day. Two years after that I was showing my friends the route I had been forced to take as a result of the Bombs. The bit that annoys me is that having to wait for it to happen in the first place, - this is part of the reason Why I have ended up turning into an Extremist with a Difference. The Trip did take place eventually, it left me feeling because I had mad that threat to his mother, If we do not go Around London, I will not be able to see him travel independently as my Railcard runs out this year.

For those of us who have Lost Loved ones I am happy to remember them, but for those that are Left, Let us just get on with life.

If we had got our backsides in gear, Al–Qaeda would be doing stuff in London, when we would be out of London, London was the Cheapest place to go and Guarantee getting a HST.

Also if anything went wrong in London the Consequences would not be as bad as I in London a mistake was Easily Rectified, where as in the west it was not going to be as easily rectifiable.

Al–Qaeda is the latest Organisation to make Bombs fake.

Also if we are really Serious about preventing Terrorism Should Lost Items not be found within hours, of the item being reported lost. and Lost Property Offices open

·The Same times as Left Luggage where Facilities Exist

·The Other Place, Normal Business Hours + Peak Travelling Periods Mondays to Fridays, Shopping Hours and Saturdays and Sundays

Why is it that the only Train Companies that have found a bag that I have lost are

1. East Midland Trains

2. Northern Rail

3. Trans Pennine Express

Opening Hours were variable

1. East Midland Trains, Leicester – 0400 to 0200 – GREAT ‘Most Mathemitical’ Status Granted

2. Northern Rail, Bolton 1000 to 1300 – MOST UNACCEPTABLE Giving the Terrorists an Upper Edge

3. Trans Pennine Express Manchester Airport, Opening Hours Not Known, BUT ITEM WAS FOUND – FREE TRAVEL WAS Granted to me to collect. ‘Most Mathemitical’ Status Granted

In fact Heritage Railways are better at Finding and returning Lost Luggage then Most National Network Operators

As Provocative as these posters might be, unfortunately they are my Genuine (Non Religious) Beliefs

I am looking to focus my beliefs on a more Love Your Neighbour Stream, but would need Muslims and Christians to put aside differences, After 7/7 there were multi faith Services, Focus on Love God and Love Neighbour and Agree to Disagree on the rest.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Showing Me Your True Colours

There is one person who I would like to have sympathy for, all he seemed able to show me was that he was A complete and utter Twat. I am am sure that that he would like to be genuinly respected by me, I did not need physical strength to upset him, I just needed what I call twatisifacation to take place and it did. He was so small thinking that he could hurt me if I did anything to him, I actually provided the biggest pain of all - Fear. I am going to be harsh, because he made me think that he was a twat, I shall call him ‘twat’

I would have prefered not to have this ideat fearful of me but I was desperate when I did this nasty thing to him.

Sorry, but if I had played a joke on someone and they responded with scaring me, I WOULD BE APLOLOGISING TO THEM AND PERFUSLY. This Twat either lived or had a friend that lived 3/8 of a mile from me and only a couple of house away from a Friend of mine and has seen me talking to someone else who also lives only a couple of doors away from this house. This Guy is a Twat because he did not like the way I scared him so he chalenged it rightfully but has never admitted that the joke he played was not funny despite the fact that I have apologised to him for that incident and told him that I don’t respond to Practical jokes very well.

Because of this Twat, I have lost £250 a month Income, he had feeling for me which were negative, but he did not show me that he had feelings for other people on that bus. I will accept that I had a slight obsession about 5 people on the Back Seat, but they were people standing for that Journey.

Is it too much to ask a Sixth Former to give priority to his feelings about the people standing, assuming he had any? if there were 5 People on the back seat, that means there is a seat available for someone else. That twats name is Ben,

Ben, if you read this, I would like to hear you thoughts as well. If you do still come into Olney, It would be great for me to stop thinking of you as a twat, as I know that we agreed on Certain Issues. I do need you to fulfill your part of the Bargin. I have apologised to you for that incident and told you that I don’t respond to Practical jokes very well, but don’t remember you saying that the joke you played wasn’t funny I need you to say that you will never make any feel that they need to scare you to get their property back and that you will NEVER pick on anyone who you feel is slightly different from the the So Called ‘Normal’ or ‘Usual’.

I am not after being friends with everybody but I do want respect to go both ways between myself and people I travel with.
It would make me like the Journey into Work Again. Thanks, (Most Rovs) Anthony

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Radical Thinkers - Threat 2 Our Trrops

Hi Person Reading This Artical

Firstly, Some of these views might be a bit extreme but there are my true beliefs and feelings. As I struggle with Telling Lies I have not told any and would say exactly what is in this artical to the Police or MI5 if it was needed. I am sorry if they offend, please make sure you read everything properly, I have done my best to explain things properly with leaving as little chance to cause offence as possible. You might think that this email is the birth of Extreme Literalism, if so - Let it be

A couple of Compact Discs have been sent to the Times as well as the Artical. It is a project I started showing the Bus Services From Olney near Milton Keynes and what a mess has been made of them. The Poor Planning and implementing of the timetable has contributed to my Extremism.

Recently the Times had on the front page news ‘Troops in Afghanistan faces new threat from Iran’, well I have a Potential Solution to this, – it is a bit farfetched and has some EXTREME literal Interpretation but I think it might work.

It angers me that most of the news is about Credit Crunch, Climate Change or War on Terror. I have had my one thing I wanted to do put on Hold for Five Years because of Al Qaeda, and until this trip went ahead, I was not able to plan anything else with this young man because more could go wrong and it would be harder to put right. unless London went reasonably well, which it did. If people just ignored Terrorist, life would be Easy. We Ignored the IRA, So why could we not ignore Al Qaeda, this was especially annoying as they were

Extremely unlikely to bomb on a Saturday.

Only likely to Bomb London, Birmingham and Manchester – Not Exeter – it’s too far west and would not inconvenience enough people. I have not heard of any extremist living in Exeter, but have Bristol, Manchester, Luton, and London.

If London was Allowed to Happen, We would have been out of the Al Qaeda’s Territory, (Being London, Birmingham, Manchester) This One Trip Not Taking Place has put my whole life on hold for 5 years, I am more than happy to have an Extra Remembrance Day on July the 7th if People so want it, but let’s just focus on those of us who a left for the other 363 days of the year.

I promise that I will stop my Literalism Campaign once six things have happened
  • The End of hearing or reading about ‘The Credit Crunch’, ‘Climate Change’ or ‘War on Terror’ in the Media,
  • Railway Routes Reopened (Domestic Routes) before High Speed Comes,
  • Railway Fares Charged in Four or Five Price Bands – All of which are SUBJECT TO TIME and NOT Subject to Availability – If all Reservable on Advanced Band 4 Seats are Gone, then All Reservable Seats are Gone on Advanced Band 4. Please See Trains Blog,
  • Cheaper to travel one way on Advances Tickets One Way than to Travel Both ways on an Open Ticket.
  • Railway Travel Cheaper than Air Travel,
  • Olney has a Bus Departing Every Hour for Milton Keynes – Same time(s) each hour,
  • Security Announcements about suspicious items include the Word ‘Lost’,
  • Train Operators to use the Heightened State of Security to Benefit Passengers. I believe the only train operators who are using the increased threat to the advantage of Both Passengers and them selves, are East Midlands Trains and Trans Pennine Express.
I have PowerPoint Presentations on a Variety of Topics, including one which includes my take on the Security Situation, which I could send you at your request.

Below is What was in the Attachments

The Plan

A pair of I E Ds will explode in London before the end of May,

• One in North Greenwich
• The other in Trafalgar Square

Then a video will be made show how people could not be bothered when two bombs exploded right by them.

Transport will be filmed and will show that it has not been affected by the explosions of the Literalist Bombs. Made from a fizzy drink and some sweets, and with the total number of Death and Injures totalling 0, they will be declared ‘Real’ emphasising the 0 Deaths and Injuries, including No Unwanted Damage to Property and no fear at the point of the devices being let off.

The Literalist will hold it as high as possible then let it go, then say a Bomb has gone off, because if you look at the situation literally, one will have gone off. The Theory behind this will be “How can you be showing love to your neighbour if you are trying to blow them up.” If everything goes to plan the total number of Deaths and Injuries will be Zero.

The Ingredients will be Coca Cola and XXX Strong Mints, THE philosophy of this plan is ‘Anything which is intended to ‘Kill’, ‘Injure’, ‘Frighten’ or ‘Upset’ is Declared ‘Fake’ by order of Common Sense’.

This would only work if we Great Britain abide by it ourselves, then we can enforce it upon Iran and other places.

Likewise If someone goes into shop with a weapon to steal, the same tactic is employed, telling the aggressor that you have a bomb and it will detonate in 2 minutes.

Once everyone is outside to whole crowd accept one person should be apologised to using the line

“To most of you I apologise for the inconvenience you have been caused and thank you for your co–operation with me in this matter, there is someone among us who has made a ‘Knife’ ‘Fake’ Capital F size 32 in bold and underlined and in red with the ‘a’ ‘k’ ‘e’ in Black, Size 12 Regular and NOT Underlined.

The Key Question here is “How can you be showing love to your Neighbour if you are trying to threaten them to get what you want?” and the answer is “You can’t and it is that simple”. If the aggressor now wishes to harm the person with the bomb, the aggressor’s weapon becomes Double ‘Fake’. The Bomb remains ‘Real’ as it was intended for the greater Good) beyond the intension to frighten One person)

Any person who wishes to have nothing to do with bombs Must do All of the following three things

1. Never be in control of any vehicle that has inflatable tyres
2. Only drink Ales, Beers, Ciders and lagers that are on sale in a pub or club that are on draught.
3. Never work in supermarket or Off Licence.

Any Person who wants a REAL Bomb should go to a Toy Shop, in the first instance, I bought mine from John Lewis – it says ‘Bomb’ on the box therefore it is a Bomb, Consumer Protection Laws take Priority over Anti Terror Laws.

One final Note: I have already caused an explosion at MK Theatre with a bottle of Sparkling Water – just before a show, when in with everybody else, and came out with everybody else at the End of it – the bottle – I dropped it. When I worked in a Supermarket, One thing I used to fear more than an explosion was a breakage. If a Can exploded, just too bad, removing the exploded item was often the end of the issue. With a bottle Breakage, the broken glass would make it more difficult to clear up as you usually get small fragments of glass, the bigger ones not being as much problem, because they can be seen immediately and are careful when picking them up – it is always the smallest of fragments that cause the injury if there is one.

Contents of Second Attachment – Formulated in Excel
==============[] Walk On []=ADV 1 [] =ADV 2[] =ADV 3 [] ADV 4
============= []Departure[] 4 Days []10 Days[] 2 Weeks[] 3 Weeks
Standard Anytime Rtn [] = =£234 [] = £211 [] =£176 [] ==£177 [] £060
Standard Anytime Sng [] = =£130 [] = £117 [] =£098 [] ==£065 [] £033
Standard Off Peak Rtn [] = =£117 [] = £107 [] =£089 [] ==£060 [] £029
Standard Off Peak Sng [] = =£069 [] = £059 [] =£049 [] ==£033 [] £016
==Super Off Peak Rtn [] = =£081 [] = £074 [] =£062 [] ==£042 [] £020
==Super Off Peak Sng [] = =£045 [] = £041 [] =£034 [] ==£023 [] £011
This Way, it would be cheaper to travel one way on an advanced ticket for those that can, making rail fares fairer to those who are not displaying that Lovely Autistic Trait of Being Unhappy to Compromise. There would be a 10% discount for buting both tickets outward and return portions together. Periods of Time are only assumed and would need careful consideration.

Attachment Contents End

Thank you for your time

I look forward to reading your Comments

(Most Roverstart) Anthony S Tull

Radical Answers to BANKING

Anyone who wants to open an account in my opinion should be able to do so without making any appointment, If Nationwide had let me do so, My Finances would have been bettrer managed. If I had been able to put just £10 pound into a Current account I then would have not been able to lend it to anyone, (the banks not knowing this - hint to them) and then my Platform for sorting out my finances would have been used. If I wished for Travel Insurance or a Credit Card, then I would have liked to have applied for that at another opertunity. This would have meant that I would have been so much Better off, and less of a risk to the Banks. Although I did not have any ID on me at the time tried to open an account, I think I would have been able to get soem and get back to the Bank in time before they close.

People who may be slightly Vulnerable will not be Visably noticable to the Cashier.

Also if a Bank takes over another, Customers Should be given to choice as to when there new account takes effect. With Barclays when they merged with the Woolwich, my account changed over on the 20th, That was Usless to me as I had olny 5 days inwhich to inform Payroll at my place of Work, So I opened up anthoner account so that I had an account up and running well before Pay Day.

When on I had realised that I had Standing Orders going out the next day out of an account that no longer had Money going into it Barclays should have in my view should have either have simply said "Sorry it is too late to change them" or changed them without the making the need of an appointment. If I want an appointment to I will ask for one.

I am not looking to blame the banks but looking for them to think radically to the way they operate.